did you read my first blog on the history of Ralph Lauren? If not, then you

Published on by anna york

did you read my first blog on the history of Ralph Lauren? If not, then you should zoom there and read it. You see, there is a lot of history in this clothing brand and today, they are still going strong! Isn’t that amazing? What other brands can you think of that are still going strong? Ralph Lauren is the one that really sticks out in my mind. Of course, I am a huge and I do mean HUGE Ralph Lauren fan, so of course it is going to stick out in my mind. Folks, the days of Ralph Lauren Polo T-Shirts is not over! Of course, this is no new news to me as I have always known this. In fact, I do not see when it is ever going to be over! I mean, seriously, when is a new brand going to come along and take me from the arms of Ralph Lauren? I don’t think that is even possible. I was talking to a friend about a month ago and telling them about my love for Ralph Lauren. Oh yeah, I confessed my undying love and devotion! Lol. Well, they told me about this site: http://www.martot.com/ Well, it’s something you should see for yourself.

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